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celestial scarves

Celestial Scarves: What's Your Sign?

By: Jess Johnson

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By: Jess Johnson
What’s Your Sign?
Celestial Scarves

What’s Your Sign?

To celebrate the launch of Liberty’s exclusive and highly limited-edition Celestial scarves, we find out what the stars hold in store for 2022

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To unravel the mysteries of the year to come, Liberty is looking skyward. Painted by hand in the London studio, Liberty’s Celestial silk scarves feature 12 original artworks created for each sign of the zodiac. When combined, the full set of luxury scarves make up a star-shaped map of the sky, crossed by twinkling parallels and meridians and united by an imagined Liberty globe beneath. In celebration of this limited edition of only 45 per design, Emma Howarth of Mystical Thinking lays out her yearly horoscope for 2022 – presented as a hand-numbered commemorative card to accompany each scarf.



A note to let you know that now is the time to elevate your life to the next level. You are the zodiac’s fiery, dynamic go-getter, never afraid to follow a dream, lead the charge or embrace change – and now you have cosmic luck on your side for 2022 too. A project you’ve been working hard on is set to deliver a magical pay off as the year hit its stride. Where you lead others always follow, Aries, and this time, it’s the big one! Expect a spell in the spotlight by summer - this is the fresh start you’ve been waiting for. Enjoy it!

New Beginnings – New Moon in Aries: 1 April
Magic Awaits – Full Moon in Aries: 9 October



So, the big news is 2022 is going to be a huge year for you – in the best possible way. As the zodiac’s creative life-architect, you’re always busy building something beautiful, and this year is no exception. A career dream come true could change your life forever before the summer, while an autumn filled with fresh starts urges you to indulge yourself, release the past and look forward to a romance-filled future. It might sound too good to be true, but trust the stars, it isn’t. This is your moment, Taurus – you deserve all this and more.

New Beginnings – New Moon in Taurus: 30 April
Magic Awaits – Full Moon in Taurus: 8 November



In case you were wondering, that much longed for change does lie ahead for you in 2022. You are the zodiac’s quick-witted social butterfly, so you don’t often turn your attention inward, but this year really is all about you. Expect growth, learning and expansion, Gemini, with some wonderfully exotic travel thrown in for good measure. A lucky career boost could see you working hard as 2022 kicks off, but you’ll be reaping the rewards by summer – a summer that might just turn out to be the most socially exciting of your life. Health and wellbeing could become a focus by autumn as the cosmos urges you to mindfully put yourself first. And you’re worth it, OK?

New Beginnings – New Moon in Gemini: 30 May
Magic Awaits – Full Moon in Gemini: 8 December



We come bearing good news; life might feel like one long celebration for you as 2022 begins – and it doesn’t stop there. As the year progresses, you’ll see positive changes you made in 2021 begin to play out in real time – especially where your relationships are concerned. Putting others’ needs before your own might feel like second nature – it’s the sensitive Cancerean way – but the cosmos has something exciting in mind for you now. This is your year to shine, Cancer, and a summer of next-level career luck could see you taking your first steps into a rather bright spotlight. Life is about to get a lot more fun. You heard it here first!

New Beginnings – New Moon in Cancer: 29 June
Magic Awaits – Full Moon in Cancer: 17 January



We can’t say exactly where life will take you in 2022, Leo, but we can tell you it won’t be boring. In fact, there is no part of you that won’t find itself sprinkled with cosmic magic as the year progresses. If you’re ready to take a relationship to the next level, or you’re hoping to travel far and wide, we’re confident this will be your year. And if you’re ready to upgrade your career, move house or make a major change to the way you live, your luck is 100 per cent in. If this all sounds like too much, even for your big-hearted lion soul, the good news is that you’re in charge. Wherever your attention goes, positive energy flows in 2022, Leo.

New Beginnings – New Moon in Leo: 28 July
Magic Awaits – Full Moon in Leo: 16 February



Before you get fully immersed in all the good times we predict you’ll have in 2022 – you wouldn’t be a true Virgo if you didn’t kick things off with an intense new health regime or a ten-point plan for your future, first. So great news that a wellbeing goal you’ve been working towards is set to come good as the year hits its stride. There’s also plenty of romantic luck on the cards for you – it’ll be a summer of love 2.0. That said, the most important thing you’ll do this year will involve speaking up, sharing your story and embracing a spell in the spotlight. You’ve got something important to say, Virgo – and now, everyone is ready to listen.

New Beginnings – New Moon in Virgo: 27 August
Magic Awaits – Full Moon in Virgo: 18 March



We hear you, wondering about when your big moment is going to arrive. So listen, the wait might be over! All sorts of magic is unfolding in your life in 2022, Libra, and if the stars get their way, you’ll be walking straight into the spotlight. And since you are the zodiac’s most style-conscious sign, you’re going to be ready for your close up. Expect good times, creative success and plenty of fun on the agenda (whatever floats your boat) as the year begins. This summer sees you feeling healthier, happier and more at peace than ever before, so by autumn you could be ready to take on a project you’ve been dreaming about. One that shows the world who you really are, maybe? You’ve got this.

New Beginnings – New Moon in Libra: 25 September
Magic Awaits – Full Moon in Libra: 16 April



After all the time, energy and love you’ve invested into a home or family project recently, you probably won’t be surprised to hear that home is where the heart is for you in 2022. All that passionate input (passionate? You?!) will pay off in the most magical way, because you’ve actually laid foundations strong enough to build the future of your dreams. Starting right now. Your intense, mysterious Scorpio soul needs a little light relief now and again, and that’s exactly what you’ll get this summer. Think love, fun and restorative self-care. If you’ve been looking for balance in a key relationship you should find what you need before the year is out. This is your time, Scorpio. You’ve earned it.

New Beginnings – New Moon in Scorpio: 25 October
Magic Awaits – Full Moon in Scorpio: 16 May



Yes, we know you love adventure, (you are the zodiac’s most wander-lustful sign after all), but you may want to put your passport down for the moment. The kind of adventure 2022 has in store for you could happen much closer to home. A project you’ve worked hard on is ready for its debut, Sagittarius – and if it involves sharing your voice, story or message all the better. The right kind of attention is headed your way this summer but to take your life to the next magical level a brave leap of faith may be required. Feel the fear and do it anyway, Sagittarius – wonderful rewards are headed your way.

New Beginnings – New Moon in Sagittarius: 23 November
Magic Awaits – Full Moon in Sagittarius: 14 June



Can you feel the shift already, Capricorn? If not, you will soon, because you’re moving into a whole new phase of your life as 2022 begins and the knock-on effect on your wellbeing and happiness will be magical. As the zodiac’s hard-working empire-builder, you’re not yet used to enjoying the fruits of your labour, but this year things are different. As the rewards for a job well done begin to flood in you may find yourself with the kind of freedom you never thought possible. The kind of freedom that buys you time to do the things that spark your imagination and make you feel alive. Exciting, right?

New Beginnings – New Moon in Capricorn: 23 December & 2 January
Magic Awaits – Full Moon in Capricorn: 13 July



We really wanted to let you know that the world is slowly coming round to your way of thinking in the most magically life-affirming way. As the zodiac’s independent free-spirit you’ve long believed rules are made to be broken, but the new ground you’ll be breaking in 2022 has the potential to move mountains. If you’re ready to stand up for what you believe in and live life on your own terms, the cosmos has got your back, Aquarius. When a dream career opportunity presents itself to you in the autumn please remember this little note, telling you to say ‘yes!’

New Beginnings – New Moon in Aquarius: 1 February
Magic Awaits – Full Moon in Aquarius: 12 August



Here’s to the ones that dream! The fantasy world inside your head is finally beginning to match up with reality – this is your year, Pisces, in more ways than one. Life is about to get real for you, the zodiac’s mermaid-dreamer, and serious success awaits. All you need to do is be ready to show the world who you really are. You have cosmic luck on your side as 2022 begins, and even more as it plays out, too. Expect opportunities, adventure, travel, financial success and the beginnings of a dream come true. By autumn you could find yourself sharing your work on a global scale. No big deal, Pisces, but it really is happening!

New Beginnings – New Moon in Pisces: 2 March
Magic Awaits – Full Moon in Pisces: 10 September

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