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Skincare Myths Debunked

49 Skincare Myths

Debunked by Experts

Anybody who’s ever tried to improve the appearance and health of their skin will know that there are a seemingly endless range of opinions out there on what works and what doesn’t. Should you exfoliate every day, and do you need to double cleanse? Do you need to wear sunscreen if your foundation contains SPF? Does a burning sensation on your skin mean a product is working? Things can get confusing very quickly. In order to help clear up some of the myths that surround skincare, we’ve contacted skincare experts and requested their help. Finally, here are the definitive answers to some of the most commonly asked questions in skincare…

Turn over the cards below to reveal if a Myth or Truth!

Exfoliation & Cleansing

You don’t need to exfoliate

1 Myth or Truth?

Exfoliating doesn’t have to be a traditional physical format. Try a liquid exfoliator such as an AHA or BHA toner.

Exfoliation & Cleansing

The harder you scrub or exfoliate, the better

2 Myth or Truth?

Exfoliation should be gentle with a physical exfoliant; overdoing it may damage your skin barrier.

Exfoliation & Cleansing

You need to scrub your face with hot water

3 Myth or Truth?

No, lukewarm is always best and never scrub. Your face is not a fence panel you’re repainting in summer!

Exfoliation & Cleansing

The more you wash your face, the better

4 Myth or Truth?

No, too often can disturb the microbiome of your skin. Twice a day is best: once in the morning to refresh or after your AM workout and then at night as soon as you’re home to remove the free radicals and grime from your day out and about.

Exfoliation & Cleansing

Showers should be short, lukewarm and once a day

5 Myth or Truth?

Shower as much as you want – just be sure to use a great body cream to ensure your body is hydrated!

Exfoliation & Cleansing

Double cleansing is necessary

6 Myth or Truth?
Mostly True

Double cleansing is best if you wear make-up and SPF at the end of the day to ensure all your debris and product is removed. It will then allow your clean skin to focus on the active ingredients within your night-time regime.


You will outgrow breakout acne

7 Myth or Truth?

Breakout acne can pop up due to hormonal imbalances, genetics or diet. It can also be caused by unclogged pores.


Eating greasy food causes breakouts

8 Myth or Truth?
Partially True

While there’s no evidence to suggest that eating greasy food causes breakouts, studies have found that dairy products and high glycemic foods such as chips, white rice, and baked goods can trigger it – so diet is certainly a factor.


Breakouts are only a problem during puberty

9 Myth or Truth?

This affects many of us only in our teenage years; however, people can experience it at any time in their lives. Some lucky folks never experience it at all.


You are breaking out because you don’t wash your face

10 Myth or Truth?
Partially myth

People who suffer from breakout acne are genetically predisposed to have oilier skin. This causes pores to become blocked more easily, which results in spots. While washing your face twice a day can certainly help, it’s not the sole cause. Regardless, it’s always best to cleanse the skin to prevent inflammation.


Rubbing alcohol will “kill” your breakout acne

11 Myth or Truth?

Infrequent spots can be tamed and resolved with specific products; however, persistent breakout acne is a condition that requires a dermatologist’s attention.


Toothpaste can heal your breakout acne

12 Myth or Truth?

No, use a spot solution designed for targeted application for best results.


Breakout acne is genetic

13 Myth or Truth?
Mostly True

While other factors can influence whether or not we get spots, people with breakout acne are usually genetically predisposed to having oilier skin, and therefore more likely to get spots.


Eating chocolate will make you break out

14 Myth or Truth?

Foods that raise your blood sugar can increase the likelihood of you getting spots, but this won’t occur for everybody. So this one is true, but not for everyone!


Dental floss for blackhead removal is safe

15 Myth or Truth?

Instead, break them down with an exfoliation mask, and seek treatment for more persistent ones.

Wrinkles, Dark Spots & More

You shouldn't use eye cream unless you have wrinkles

16 Myth or Truth?

Start using an eye cream in your 20s. Prevention is easier than finding a solution!

Wrinkles, Dark Spots & More

Face exercises will reduce wrinkles

17 Myth or Truth?

Lymphatic drainage massage or electro-microcurrent devices are all the rage right now. Anecdotal evidence suggests they can help to ensure your skin is working well, though there’s little clinical research available yet.

Wrinkles, Dark Spots & More

You can shrink your pores

18 Myth or Truth?
Mostly Myth

The size of your pores is determined by your genetics, so you can’t permanently shrink them. However, with an effective daily cleansing routine you can minimise their appearance.

Wrinkles, Dark Spots & More

You can't get rid of dark spots

19 Myth or Truth?

You definitely can! A dermatologist can lighten or even remove dark spots with creams or cosmetic procedures.

Wrinkles, Dark Spots & More

Lack of sleep leads to under-eye circles

20 Myth or Truth?

Sleep deprivation can cause red, puffy eyes, dark circles beneath your eyes, and more wrinkles. It can even cause the corners of your mouth to droop.


People with oily skin don't need to moisturise

21 Myth or Truth?

Choose something lightweight and packed with humectants to lock in the actives from your serums.


Coconut oil is a good facial moisturiser

22 Myth or Truth?

Coconut oil is too rich to be very effective as a facial moisturiser; it clogs pores more than other oils such as grapeseed oil and almond oil.


You’ll age faster if you wear makeup regularly

23 Myth or Truth?

Ensure you have a solid skincare regime to prepare the skin for your make-up application. Hydrated skin is always the best canvas for an artist.


Sleeping in your makeup now and then is okay

24 Myth or Truth?

Never! This can lead to localised breakouts.

Sunscreen, SPF & Sun

You only need sunscreen while outdoors

25 Myth or Truth?

If it’s bright enough to read a book by the window you should be wearing sun cream – even on an overcast day.

Sunscreen, SPF & Sun

People with dark skin don't need sunscreen

26 Myth or Truth?

This can lead to uneven pigment and premature ageing, as well as put you at higher risk for sun-related skin cancer. Sunscreen is always a good idea.

Sunscreen, SPF & Sun

You don't need to wear sunscreen when it's cloudy

27 Myth or Truth?

UVA & UVB rays penetrate cloud cover. If you can see your shadow on the ground, you can still burn if you stay out long enough while unprotected!

Sunscreen, SPF & Sun

You don’t need to apply SPF to your lips

28 Myth or Truth?

Your lips are affected by sunlight just like the rest of your body. Treat them like your skin, and don’t forget a lip balm with SPF if you’re headed to the ski slopes.

Sunscreen, SPF & Sun

You don’t need to apply an SPF if you have one in your foundation

29 Myth or Truth?

This is generally true, and you will get some protection from foundations that include SPF. Separate SPF still highly recommended, however.

Sunscreen, SPF & Sun

Sunscreen prevents ageing

30 Myth or Truth?

Many studies over the years have found that people who regularly use sunscreen show fewer signs of ageing in their skin, as sunscreen reduces the damage done by the sun’s rays.

Sunscreen, SPF & Sun

Tanning beds are safer than natural sunlight

31 Myth or Truth?

Sunbeds, tanning booths and sunlamps all produce the same harmful radiation as the sun, which can age your skin ahead of its time and increase your risk for skin cancer.

Sunscreen, SPF & Sun

You can only get Vitamin D from the sun

32 Myth or Truth?

If your lifestyle doesn’t allow you to get a lot of sun, you can supplement your vitamin D intake with capsules, or by changing your diet to include foods such as oily fish, egg yolks and orange juice.

Using Skincare Products

Your skin will get used to the products you use, and then they'll stop working

33 Myth or Truth?

Nope, your skin won’t build up an immunity to the products you use. There’s no process in your body that could cause this to happen!

Using Skincare Products

The order in which you use your skin-care products doesn't matter

34 Myth or Truth?

It matters very much, in fact. Your skin wants to keep things out – that’s its job, after all – and only a small percentage of products can penetrate your skin to do their thing. Applying skincare products in the right order therefore ensures the maximum amount of product can be absorbed.

Using Skincare Products

You need to use a lot of skin-care products to get good skin

35 Myth or Truth?

Quality over quantity. Skincare is personal, and what works best for you may not work for somebody else. You may well find that a simple combination of products does the trick perfectly well.

Using Skincare Products

If you feel a tingling or burning sensation, it means the product is working

36 Myth or Truth?
Mostly Myth

This depends on the product. Mostly no; however, if it’s an exfoliator then a slight burning or tingling is fine. If it’s too uncomfortable, of course, you should discontinue use.

Using Skincare Products

Anything marked ‘natural’ or ‘chemical free’ must be better for you than other types of skin care products

37 Myth or Truth?

You see a lot of products on shelves marked as ‘natural’ or ‘chemical free’. However, this doesn’t mean they’re of a higher quality, as there is no agreed-upon legal definition of what constitutes ‘natural’.

Using Skincare Products

You can find skincare products that work as well as cosmetic procedures

38 Myth or Truth?

As much as we’d love to say otherwise, the truth is that cosmetic procedures can do things for your skin that products cannot. You should still be using them, however!

Using Skincare Products

Hypoallergenic skincare products are better

39 Myth or Truth?

The label ‘hypoallergenic’ means a product is less likely to cause allergic reactions, and may be gentler on the skin. However, as with terms like ‘natural’, there is no lawful definition of what constitutes a hypoallergenic product. They’re a mixed bag.

Using Skincare Products

Serums and oils are a waste of money

40 Myth or Truth?

Serums work in a similar manner to creams and lotions; however, they have many elements removed to make them lighter on the skin. Ingredients like petroleum and mineral oil – that don’t let the skin breathe as easily – are left out.

Using Skincare Products

“Dermatologist tested” makes a product trustworthy

41 Myth or Truth?
Mostly Myth

You need to have had your product tested by a dermatologist if you want to stamp ‘dermatologist tested’ on a skincare product, but much like ‘hypoallergenic’, ‘dermatologist’ is a term not defined by law. You could pay a self-appointed dermatologist to daub a bit of product on their skin, and you’d be able to use the phrase on your product. Take the label with a pinch of salt.

Using Skincare Products

K-beauty only works for East Asian customers

42 Myth or Truth?

Though skin tones can vary, skin fundamentally works the same way for everybody; there’s no reason K-beauty should only work for Asian complexions!

Using Skincare Products

You need to start wearing eye cream by a certain age

43 Myth or Truth?

It’s never too early to begin wearing eye cream, and certainly never too late. At any age, using eye cream can help slow signs of ageing, lessen the appearance of lines and wrinkles, and help ward off dark circles.

General Skincare

Drinking extra water will make your skin look better

44 Myth or Truth?

Water helps your skin to maintain its elasticity, which prevents wrinkles from forming. Without enough water, your skin may begin to feel rough to the touch.

General Skincare

If you don't get eczema as a kid, you won't get it as an adult

45 Myth or Truth?

Even if they never experienced it as a child, adults can develop signs of eczema. Atopic eczema (AD) is considered by many to be a childhood disease. However, even this type of eczema can be found in adults (though usually with milder symptoms).

General Skincare

Breast milk is a skincare wonder

46 Myth or Truth?

There’s a lot of debate currently as to the effects of breast milk on infant acne, though we’d stop short of suggesting it for use on adult skin.

General Skincare

Microneedling at home is the same as microneedling in a medical spa

47 Myth or Truth?

Collagen Induction Therapy, also known as microneedling, can be performed DIY style or professionally. We’d always recommend you go to a medical spa; the results are far better, and the process is much safer.

General Skincare

Pinching your face can reshape it

48 Myth or Truth?

No, pinching various parts of your face won’t reshape them! What it may well do, however, is damage your skin and cause the underlying tissue to swell up. This may give the impression of your face shape changing, but it’s unhealthy and impermanent.

General Skincare

There's one right way to get glowing skin

49 Myth or Truth?
Mostly True

Sort of. You can summarise it as: live a healthy lifestyle. You can then break this down into things like: eat a healthy and varied diet, get eight hours of sleep a night, exercise regularly, exfoliate, wear sunscreen, use face masks, double cleanse, don’t smoke, and don’t drink to excess. And of course – drink plenty of water!

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