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home of the artistic shopper at home with henry holland sat at his table wearing adidas

At Home With: Henry Holland

As his ceramics launch exclusively at Liberty, the designer takes us inside his personality-packed home.
By: Team Liberty

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Henry Holland
Home of the Artistic Shopper

Henry Holland

As his ceramics launch exclusively at Liberty, the designer takes us inside his personality-packed home

Shop Henry Holland Studio
By: Team Liberty

Former fashion designer Henry Holland created an eponymous line of ceramics during lockdown and, in doing so, found a new appreciation of home and personal environment. Much like the creations he’s known for, his own space is colourful, eclectic and packed with personality. As his ceramics touch down exclusively at Liberty, Holland invites us inside the East London home he shares with husband, David, and their French bulldog, Penny.

What does ‘home’ mean to you?

Home means comfort, relaxing and time with the family. And more often than not - food!

How would you describe your interior aesthetic?

Our aesthetic is pretty colourful and eclectic. We have a lot of art up all over the place and inject colour that way. We’re both hoarders of different kinds. I hoard clothes and shoes and my husband hoards ‘nick-necks’, so we have to be mindful to keep it from becoming too cluttered!

Does this sit back to the aesthetic of your brand?

I think it does - I really try to inject a lot of personality into everything I create and I think our home reflects our personalities too. It’s loud, brash and, at times, a tad obnoxious!

I think our home reflects our personalities…It’s loud, brash and, at times, a tad obnoxious!

In which room do you spend the most time?

The living/dining room.

Are you influenced by your environment?

Yes, all the time. I love spending time out in the city and taking in the sights, sounds and people and I love watching people and imaging their stories. But since we’ve been stuck in the house for almost a year that has really shifted and we’ve been forced to look inward. I’ve found it really therapeutic rather than restrictive.

How did you go about decorating/furnishing each room?

When we first moved in, we kept everything very clean and simple and added colour through our belongings and art. Now we’re a bit more daring and have added more colour throughout the house and invested in some key pieces of furniture that we build the rooms around.

Do you have any go-to interior brands?

We have a real mix in the house, from vintage eBay pieces that we like to renovate and reinterpret, to some real investment pieces like our Dirk Van Der Kooij dining table - but I wouldn’t say we have any go-to stores.

Do you have a favourite piece of furniture or objet?

Definitely the dining table that I keep banging on about - but it’s pretty mega and is made from recycled plastic. You can see some price stickers from old CD cases in there too and it has areas that are transparent. It’s really striking.

Are there any interior trends you’re particularly into right now?

Colour, pattern and print. When am I not?!

Are you drawn to specific colourways or design styles?

I do tend to gravitate towards brighter more primary colours.

Where do you look for interior inspiration?

Instagram I guess. It’s a lazy answer but it’s the truth.

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